“Is the Price Worth It?” The Crippling Effects of U.N. Sanctions in Iraq

Mack DeGeurin
10 min readSep 2, 2018
Economic Sanctions are widely used by governments to pressure foreign regimes, but tucked under the surface are immense human costs to civilians. Photo courtesy Al Jazeera.

An Iraqi mother peeks through her black and gold embroidered hijab to gaze upon her child dying in her arms. The malnourished toddler lies motionless — his eyes shut, his skin pale. The words of 60 Minutes correspondent Leslie Stahl can be heard playing over the video. “We have heard that half a million children have died,” she says, referring to the effects of the…



Mack DeGeurin

Texas expat, freelance journalist. Work has been featured in New York Magazine, Motherboard and Medium. I’m on Twitter @mackdegeurin